El 09/11/2015 10:01, Bernd Eggink <monoped@sudrala.de> escribió:
On 09.11.2015 08:27, Víctor Martínez wrote:
... Hey Bernd, which release did you deploy into the BBB? Generic or optimized for the cubieboard1?
I used the generic release. What kind of optimization has been made for the cubieboard? Compiler options? Kernel config?
All releases aren't related to kernels, they are just rootfs optimized for devices. In this case, they are optimized for the compiler. The generic release hasn't any kind of optimization. You can take a look into development section in the ports/core-arm repository, the overlayed pkgutils port has pkgmk.conf where you'll see only hard float support. In your case, in ports/cubieboard-arm repository you can verify its cflags and see if they fit to the ones used by the BBB (probably they'll do).
Presently I'm preparing a kernel update to 4.3. and will appreciate any hints concerning the parameters (not knowing anything about ARM, I can only guess them).
You shouldn't get any problems upgrading your kernel, but if you do, feel free to share them to take a look. I'll take a look into generic release to verify if libpcre problem is shown because automake isn't installed in this release. Thank you very much for your reports.
Regards, Bernd
Regards, Victor Martinez | Learning bit by bit http://vjml.es