Is it just me or does anyone disagree that CRUX is a source based distro. 1. Release ISOs are shipped with packages. 2. Applications are installed from packages. Consider FreeBSD's ports system (and possibly pkgsrc) software is installed directly from the source. An intermediatary package is only built if requested. This in my opinion is a truly source based method. CRUX in my eyes is simply a package based distro with no central package repository. For the case of the single user CRUX may appear to be source based due to the absence of a central package repo, but this is naive. I have often had many CRUX boxes all with similar software installed, it would be a horrible waste of time to build packages on every single machine. Naturally you would have a build machine that all other CRUXen could access packages from. Package based distros with a central package repo are still at their roots, source based. Someone had to compile the source and ship a package. So called package based distros such as debian, archlinux and fedora still have tools for building their preferred package type from source. The only difference is that CRUX doesn't have the man power (or want) to maintain a central repo and enforce dependency hell on it's users. </rant> -- Lucas Hazel <>