I've been using this topic to spend time reviewing the CRUX mailing list archive and haven't seen it discussed. I would do the same with the IRC archives but am not ready to research how to filter all those TRs just now (is there a decent tool?). I gather folks just edit their local copies as needed. Do the pkgutils ever walk over those changes? Is it part of the CRUX philosophy that everyone should reinvent their own wheel when it comes to modifying touchy things like core packages? The lack of documentation about approaches to making installation changes suggests that conclusion. Are there any good approaches to maintaining one's localized package tweaks across prt-get sysup and release upgrades? -- <not cent from sell> May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly! Dave_Craig______________________________________________ "So the universe is not quite as you thought it was. You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then. Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe." __--from_Nightfall_by_Asimov/Silverberg_________________