
anybody done a similar image that is useable in an OpenStack environment?  (Cf CentOS/Ubuntu Cloud images)

Docker is about to be supported there, but afaik it still in 'discsussion' stages..  (if not, how do I get the docker repo info to my local openstack controller)


> Hi All,
> TL;DR: docker run -i -t crux
> Just off the back of Chris Kruger's email
> (I didn't want to pollute that thread)
> Docker is now (as of a few months ago)
> also available as a fully supported Docker Image
> as part of the "Official Library" on the Docker Hub.
> We (myself for the moment) are also maintaining
> "User Contributed" Docker Images providing various
> images that package up certain services/applications.
> Relevant links are:
> Official CRUX Image:
> CRUX based images (User Contributed):
> I plan to maintain the Official CRUX Image 2 versions back
> so right now this means there is an up-to-date image for
> CRUX 3.0 and 3.1
> Thanks!
> cheers
> James
> James Mills / prologic