Greetings, Dave, Welcome! I can't speak to the AMD GPU with much experience but if your hardware works in Arch it'll work in CRUX. A linux kernel is a linux kernel, after all. CRUX doesn't ship kernel packages but there's a fairly generic config included on the installation media which should be a good start to compile your own. If you've already got experience with that, you should be fine. With that said, MATE and PulseAudio are available, as is VirtualBox. Speaking of VirtualBox, I'd recommend trying CRUX there first to see what you think. If your system is running properly now, might as well test before nuking, so to speak. As for your multimedia stuff, pretty much the same as other linux distributions. Chrome or chromium/widevine for netflix, youtube wherever. Not sure about Hulu, haven't used it. CRUX's Pkgfiles are pretty simple so if something's missing it's usually easy to create it yourself. If you have more specifics, feel free to ask here on the mailing list or visit the #crux channel on freenode IRC. I'd say IRC is busier though considering how small the community is, neither is high-traffic. Regards, Matt