1 Aug
1 Aug
8:57 p.m.
On Sat, 1 Aug 2020, david mccooey wrote:
Hello, I am trying to build /usr/ports/contrib/pcmanfm on my Crux 3.5 system. pkgmk tells me it needs libfm and libfm-gtk. After building other dependencies (menu-cache and libfm-extra), I built /usr/ports/contrib/libfm using "pkgmk -d -f". It appears to succeed with the last line: =======> Building '/usr/ports/contrib/libfm/libfm#1.3.1-2.pkg.tar.gz' succeeded.
Hi, pkgmk only builds the package, it does not install it. In the above case pkgadd /usr/ports/contrib/libfm/libfm#1.3.1-2.pkg.tar.gz is needed. -Daryl