On 11/18/2012 06:54 AM, Stefan Stefanov wrote:
I spend several days trying to make pulseaudio works, but without success. Pulseaudio starts without errors, but it is not responding. If I run "pacmd list" (or some other pulseaudio related cli tool), all I get is "Daemon not responding".
The big problem is that there is no error messages in log files about pulseaudio and it seam that pulseaudio works but it isn't.
Log messages only contains info messages about pulseaudio start process.
I think that the real problem could be misconfigured permissions.
Hello, Stefan, I don't think there are many PulseAudio users in CRUX (myself included) so you might have trouble getting help for it here. With that said, have you looked for extra debugging options for the daemon itself? Alternatively, running it in the foreground with strace? Perhaps one of those would give you some useful information. Good luck, Matt