On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 11:48:38 +0200, Matthias-Christian Ott wrote:
Johannes Winkelmann <jw@smts.ch> wrote:
Hi Matthias,
On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 17:51:22 +0200, Matthias-Christian Ott wrote:
Hi, [...] That was all in the past. Today I think CRUX has reached its zenith. It will die a slow and silent death. Perhaps this will take months or years; it is just a matter of time. CRUX lost its importance, its fans and community. It is hierarchically structured and slowly developing. [...] Maybe some of the IRC regulars can comment on that, but from the logs I'd say the fans are still there, and new users are joining #crux as frequently as ever.
Sorry, I was never present in the IRC channel and therefore all my statements were not intended to describe the situation of #crux. But usually the situation of the community has also consequences for the IRC channel.
That was exactly my point. You claimed that CRUX lost its fans and community, yet there's no argument to back it up. My claim is that it's clear from the IRC logs that there's no major change in user base.
This is what I do not like about Free Software. If the developers opinions interfere, the project is forked. They do not work together and evaluate possible solutions. They reject all discussion and stick to their plans. I think one of the beautiful things about Free Software is that you can reuse existing code (and hopefully even contribute back) if your goals are far away from those of the original project, which is the case here.
Asking everyone to work together and make compromises is like asking all car companies to join and build just a single model: the resulting compromise won't fit anyone. That's why there are different car models. And that's also why we have different distributions, mail clients etc. Finally, had you written a friendly, reasonable mail, I'm sure that a discussion would not have been rejected. The generalization in your statement makes me think that this is not the first time this happened to you, so I'd suggest to work on these skills, since in general the motivation to work with rude people is very low, even if they make valid points. HTH, Johannes -- Johannes Winkelmann mailto:jw@smts.ch Zurich, Switzerland http://jw.smts.ch