HI, I've updated my ports collection on http://wawrzek.name/crux/repo/ It has everything you need to run Enlightenment and is not in core, opt, xorg and (probably) contrib. It lalso have EFL base apps: Ephoto, Rage and of course Terminology, maybe the best Linux x-terminal. Enlightenment dependencies includes connman (https://01.org/connman). Very nice daemon to control various aspects of network connection. It seems to fit Crux nicely. It's requires wpa_supplicant with dbus support, so such version of the port is my ports repo. Recently, I added everything what's needed to build Darktable and my next target is KeePassXC (https://keepassxc.org/) Wawrzek -- Dr Wawrzyniec NiewodniczaĆski or Wawrzek for short PhD in Quantum Chemistry & MSc in Molecular Engineering WWW: http://wawrzek.name E-MAIL: jobs@wawrzek.name Linux User #177124