Hi Yes, i did, i have installed squashfs-tools I installed a Crux2.4 original in a vmware workstation (very clean) Installed squashfs-tools, modified the Makefile (without Xorg + new kernel + patch for squashfs3.3) Modified my kernel settings, (for SAS modules). And the run the procedure as it was described in the documentation (crux.nu/buildingIso) /Jörg -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: crux-bounces@lists.crux.nu [mailto:crux-bounces@lists.crux.nu] För Matt Housh Skickat: den 19 februari 2008 17:31 Till: crux@lists.crux.nu Ämne: Re: If its possible On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 10:17 +0100, jorg wrote: [..]
When I go after the crux website Building ISO it takes 1 2 days for the bootstrap and the process just stopped with error 127 ..
Do you have squashfs support in your kernel and squashfs-tools installed? Matt (jaeger@freenode/#crux) _______________________________________________ CRUX mailing list CRUX@lists.crux.nu http://lists.crux.nu/mailman/listinfo/crux