Hi, I decided to switch all my systems from Archlinux to CRUX and I am very happy. I would like to suggest a small modification to the Handbook (and, secondly, to the CRUX page in distrowatch). In the 3.2 section of the handbook, the following utterance confused me during installation: "Using ReiserFS is recommended, but there is support for Ext2fs/Ext3fs, XFS and JFS as well". In the CRUX page in distrowatch: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=crux it appears that CRUX supports only two journaled filesystems, i.e. reiserfs and XFS. In the mailing list archives I found that the problem has been discussed in May 2006 and the recommendation of reiserfs was declared by Per Lidén to be a relict of the times where reiserfs was the only journaled filesystem. Nowadays, there is no reason to recommend a journaled filesystem over another and any potential CRUX user should be able to choose the filesystem which is better for his system and which he likes more. Thus I suggest to change the formulation in the handbook to: "CRUX supports all the filesystems supported as root filesystems by the linux kernel: ext2, ext3, JFS, reiserfs, XFS". The indication in distrowatch seems to me just a mistake, since it suggests that one cannot use ext3 or JFS in CRUX. However, I am aware that distrowatch is much less important than the handbook. Giorgio Lando