Hi all, new Crux user here! I waited for the 3.0 release because I wanted a 64 bit system and so far I like it. I would like to use weechat because I have a nice configuration for it already. So I got the Pkgfile from the nogagplz repository and compiled weechat 0.3.7. Unfortunately this release is pretty old and my configuration is not working correctly with it. I tried to create a new Pkgfile for weechat 0.4.0 myself but it didn't work. The weechat source package doesn't include a configure file - so I tried to use autoconf to generate one but there were errors about some undefined macros and the compile afterwards stopped immediately with errors. As you can see I am obviously not a developer ;-) So is there somebody that would be willing to create a Pkgfile for the current weechat release? Thanks a lot for your work and for this distro. Lars