Hello All,

Other then my Chromium not functioning and Hexchat refusing to compile I'm liking CRUX 3.3.  Any how anytime I open Chromium I get an Ahhh Snap something went wrong error which prevents me from opening any webpages or the settings in chromium for that matter.  Also can't open the crash thing chromium has for investigation.  I'm attaching a screen show of my error in chromium and a pastebin of my strace I have which doesn't point to anything I can see but maybe someone has some ideas.  Initally I was thinking an NSS problem but I've completely reformatted and am back where I started with the same error.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Strace output  https://paste.pound-python.org/show/gt8AHMKz50dn0Me8gMMa/