I don't know about the Zaurus. The SD card will depend on a few things. I'll assume it's a USB adapter that you plug your SD card into. I've found the best way is to remove the adapter, then plug it in with the SD card in it. Then you can mount /dev/sda1 (could be anything like /dev/sd[a-z][1-9] depending on your configuration). Remember that if you want lots of automagic stuff then CRUX isn't for you. Crux just doesn't come with all that stuff but that's what it's about. I've set up my system to always have certain usb drives and memory cards mount to certain spots but I still have to mount them manually (I've got entries in /etc/fstab that enable users to mount them and also set the permissions and such). I believe there is a package in the repo somewhere that includes auto mounting but I haven't played with that yet. You'll need to spend some time with google and be prepared to read lots of howtos and man pages. Hope this helps, Joe wawrzyniec.niewodniczanski@pwr.wroc.pl wrote:
Can I find any info how hotplug/udev is working in crux? I'm a bit confused. I would like to start my a) Zaurus b) SD card For b) I checked with Ubuntu and it worked out of box. I try to copy some their conf., but i failed.