On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 15:20:59 +0100, Fredrik Rinnestam <fredrik@rinnestam.se> wrote:
The "correct" way of handling this is to build a kernel with INPUT_EVDEV enabled and ofcourse make sure xorg-xf86-input-evdev is installed.
Ok, that solution worked, thank you :-) It was maybe a newbie mistake, but it was my first kernel build, so all that is new for me. After a night of compiling (the intel atom is really slow), Openbox runs perfectly, and I can write this email from crux \o/ To do list : -configure my wifi-card (I hate broadcom) -configure distCC, the atom is to slow. My pentium IV debian server could maybe help it? -learn how works pkgmk and configure it -try to optimize my kernel -build a lot of packages (gmrun, terminator, wicd...) -- Brice Lopez