Get a program such as burn4free that can burn ISO images to CD-r
if you don't have a CD/DVD burner nor a floppy drive then you'll need to use another Linux disk to boot up on then mount the hard disk partition then mount the ISO image as a loop back device, this is all after backing up your existing windows XP then resizing the hard disk to have space to install crux for a dual boot system and the hassle of setting up lilo or the Windows boot menu to be able to select the 2 operating systems, or its a bit easier to just wipe the disk and install crux as a standalone system. Resize your win partition first. Try booting from usb-flash key (if you have any by the hand) with
On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:39:14 +1000 Danny Rawlins <> wrote: the distro like Damn Small Linux ( then mounting iso, chrooting into it, installing crux following the Handbook. Of coarse it is strongly advised to follow such steps only if you are familar with linux and partitioning. -- Mikhail Kolesnik ICQ: 260259143 IRC: mike_k at freenode/#crux, rusnet/#yalta Jabber: NIC handle: MKK83-UANIC