Hello, I tried CRUX this morning and I spent whole day plaing with it. I am using Archlinux for about five years, but I must admit, CRUX is even simpler and more straightforward. Do like. However, I missed some packages, so I made them. http://martin.kopta.eu/crux/pkgs/ abook.tar - address book for mutt tree.tar - simple hierarchy listing webkit.tar - rendering library, I needed that for 'surf' from suckless.org enchant.tar - needed by webkit (spellchecker from abiword) libsoup.tar - needed by webkit (gnome http thingy) icu.tar - needed by webkit Also, I found few packages that won't build right now. I made two patches. http://martin.kopta.eu/crux/patches/ gnupg.footprint.patch - seems like upstream "invisible" change w3m.Pkgfile.patch - common problem with SF Best regards, Martin Kopta