On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 23:18:11 +0200 Hans Bezemer <hbezemer@kliksafe.nl> wrote:
Dear fellow Crux-users,
What do you think? Would this be helpful? Or are there other / better options?
I forgot to post that. I asked James Mills (prologic) about his opinion as he mentioned the thread. This is his reply: 10:34 beerman prologic: if you got opinions on the 'making crux more alive' matter, feel free to share some thoughts on the ml though 10:35 prologic I maintain my position that we should have presence on Gihtub. 10:35 prologic I don't think its necessary to have an ISO more frequently than we do 10:36 prologic I think improving the docs/handbook is a good idea 10:36 prologic nice pretty docs is always good 10:37 prologic besides this you're only left with marketing-type stuff, you would hurt CRUX's design if you significantly change too many things -- or it becomes Arch (which is what Arch borrowed from / took inspiration from) 10:37 » prologic has been around for a long whiel :) prologic even back to Per Liden days :) 10:38 prologic as has jaeger and tilman and Romster :) 10:38 prologic Yes those docs-style wikis are good 10:38 prologic with the "Edit this page on Github" type thing 10:38 beerman this needs to be on the ml 10:38 prologic that has the least friction I think 10:38 prologic beerman you put it there :) 10:38 prologic I don't have time sorry :) -- Tim Biermann