На 24.3.2013 г. 04:52, Predrag Ivanovic написа:
On Sat, 23 Mar 2013 14:59:04 +0200 Пламен Петров wrote:
Hello, list!
I'm trying to make a port for CRUX, but one of the packages has the requirement to be built as a regular, restricted, non-root user.
How should I go about this?
Can I add a temporary user to the system for the build purposes inside of Pkgfile and on the end - remove the user id?
Is there a better approach?
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
Just to close the subject after my somewhat thorough investigation of the matter: There is no way to create a port, that will after executing pkgmk pkgadd package#version.tgz build as a non-privileged user on a **freshly installed** and updated CRUX system. End of story. If some of the port creators out there need such a thing - the better approach is to work out/patch the sources of the software which has such requirements. Thanks for all opinions on the matter - some proved really helpful! And just to clear it up a bit further - fakeroot is something a user chooses to do to his system. It will do exactly that - run pkgmk under non-root credentials. However - it is not found on a default install of CRUX, and after setup - it allow building of any package as non-root. I was trying to create a port that will both work on a clean CRUX install and be built as non-root user. Fakeroot does not help in this situation. Thanks again, -- Plamen Petrov