On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 08:11:20PM +0100, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
Matt Housh <jaeger@crux.ninja> wrote: |The CRUX team is pleased to announce the availability of a first release |candidate for the upcoming CRUX 3.3.
That is pretty cool. Thanks!
|Please note that this is a release candidate, NOT the final release. |Please test it if you have a chance and report any problems you find to us!
No time for some more time, but truly looking forward!
... |The ISO itself can be found here: | |https://crux.ninja/crux/crux-3.3-rc1.iso |https://crux.ninja/crux/crux-3.3-rc1.md5
Not the reason for me at the moment, but i also don't have the necessary bandwidth and remaining traffic for ~600 MB. Couldn't the ISO be also made available in a compressed form, xz(1) does compress such things very well? For example, the last DragonFly BSD ISO i have downloaded was only 170 MB when compressed with xz, which was about 100 MB smaller than the bz2 that DragonFly makes available.
You know, there are people which do not work for a hoster and have a very flaky wireless connection.
I'm afraid it didn't help much. Only down to 529MB Everything on the iso is already compressed. Packages are xz already and the rootfs is compressed too. What makes the 3.3 iso so much larger than previous releases is the inclusion of linux-firmware. -- Fredrik Rinnestam