some days ago i posted my problem: "Xorg -configure" gives me blank screen and then stays *in* there. even "C-M-backspace" stops working then. i mean i can't get back to my terminal without manual reboot :-(" DAMN IT, i can't refuse my love for "simplicity" :-) i installed CRUX 2.3 again but problem remains the same but i can run "startx" and TWM greets me with its 3 terminals, hence i m using Firefox in TWM to write this email and my mouse is working too. Heck, there is no "X11" directory in "/etc/" or "/usr".... this strange phenomenon is just killing me. somebody suggested me to use my "xorg.conf" file from Gentoo. so i copied that file to my system and at terminal tried this: Xorg -config xorg.conf and i get an error something like this: "module pcidata not found" "can not load base modules" WORST part is i can not copy that "xorg.conf" file here in my mail. Mouse refuses to paste anything :-( (but i can send file as an attachment which will be scrubbed in this mailing list. so if you can help me on this then please allow me to send that "xorg.conf" as an attachment to your email ID, if you can provide it OR if you have some other way of helping me. i love to use CRUX ) --