I checked and found out that the kernel had already been compiled with the feature CONFIG_SYSVIPC=y, Alan, thanks for your return and attention. which other features could possibly disturb xorg?

2015-01-15 20:25 GMT-02:00 Alan Mizrahi <alan+crux@mizrahi.com.ve>:
Cezar Rangel <cezar.rangel@gmail.com> escribió:

Good news! Finally clang is ok! Like Pedja builds fine on my machine too
but only concerning clang. so, when I try chromium, in the end comes an
file "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/synchronized/.py" line 59, in
<module> "function, sec issue 3770") Import error: this plataform lacks  a
functioning sem_open implementation, therefore, the required
synchronization...will not function, see issue 3770".

You should compile your kernel with CONFIG_SYSVIPC=y.

This and maybe other missing kernel features are probably the reason that you are having problems with Xorg too.


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