I've made a new version of CruxEX Live. ABOUT CruxEX 3.0 2014 64bit Linux Live USB is based on <http://crux.nu/> CRUX 3.0 (latest version, released 130119). CruxEX 3.0 2014 uses the <http://lxde.org/> LXDE Desktop environment. I have replaced the original CRUX kernel with "my" special kernel 3.12.6-x86_64-exton, with support for "extra everything". KERNEL etc Kernel 3.12.6 is the latest available stable kernel as of 140108. Among all installed and updated applications are Firefox 26.0, Gimp 2.8.10 and <http://wicd.sourceforge.net/> Wicd. Furthermore compilation tools so that you can install programs from source. INSTALL CruxEX is very easy to install to hard drive and/or a USB pen drive. Takes about 5 min. http://cruxex.exton.net/install-harddisk/index.html http://cruxex.exton.net/cruxex-3.0-pen-drive/ READ MORE: http://cruxex.exton.net 140108 /C A Exton Connect With Me <http://twitter.com/linuxexton> Twitter <https://www.facebook.com/extonlinux> Facebook <http://linux.exton.net/> LINUX.EXTON.NET | Linux Live Systems <http://www.extix.se/> ExTiX 14 64bit > version 131223 based on <http://ubuntu.com/> Ubuntu 13.10 with Gnome 3.10 and kernel 3.12.0-7-exton <http://lfa.exton.net/> LFA (Linux For All) 13.10 64bit > version 131120 based on <http://ubuntu.com/> Ubuntu 13.10 with five Desktop environments <http://defender.exton.net/> Exton|Defender Linux Super Rescue System > version 131203, 130728 and 130726 - 64bit - based on <http://www.slackware.com/> Slackware 14.1 with Xfce 4.10 and on <http://fedoraproject.org/> Fedora 19 with Mate 1.6.1 and Cinnamon 1.9.1 <http://multibootcd.exton.net/> EXTON MultiBootCD 6-OS 32bit > version 131115 with six (6) different mini Linux Systems <http://cruxex.exton.net/> CruxEX 3.0 64bit 2013 Linux Live USB > version 131008 based on <http://crux.nu/> CRUX 3.0 with LXDE and kernel 3.11.4-x86_64-exton <http://slackex.exton.net/> SlackEX 14.1 64bit > version 131111 based on <http://www.extix.se/> <http://www.slackware.com/> Slackware 14.1 with KDE 4.10.5 and kernel 3.11.4-x86_64-exton <http://exlight.exton.net/> ExLight Live DVD 64bit > version 140104 based on <http://ubuntu.com/> Ubuntu 14.04 with Mate 1.6.0 and kernel 3.12.0-7-exton <http://archex.exton.net/> ArchEX 2013 Dual 64bit/32bit Live DVD > version 131206 based on <https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Main_Page> Arch Linux with kernel 3.12.3-1-ARCH and <http://lxde.org/> LXDE <http://exgent.exton.net/> exGENT 64bit Linux Live CD > version 131129 based on <http://www.gentoo.org/> Gentoo with LXDE and genkernel 3.12.1-gentoo-exton <http://mex.exton.net/> MeX Linux 64bit > version 131127 based on <http://ubuntu.com/> Ubuntu 13.10 with KDE 4.11.3, Gnome 3.8.4, Razor-qt and kernel 3.12.0-3-exton <http://puppex.exton.net/> PuppEX 14.1 32bit Linux Live CD > version 131212 based on <http://puppylinux.org/wikka/Puppy53> Puppy Linux Slacko 5.6 with <http://lxde.org/> LXDE and kernel 3.10.5 <http://opsus.exton.net/> EXTON OpSuS 13.1 64bit Linux live USB > version 131124 based on <http://www.opensuse.org/en/> openSUSE 13.1 with KDE 4.11.3 <http://debex.exton.net/> DebEX Barebone 64bit Live DVD > version 131221 based on <http://www.debian.org/releases/testing/> Debian Jessie with <http://lxde.org/> LXDE and kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64.