When the final release of Firefox 3.0 rolls around, my intention is to separate Firefox from Gecko and XUL, by utilising xulrunner as a generic base for Firefox, Thunderbird (eventually, once it hits 3.0 as well, however, Simone Rota (sip) is responsible for Thunderbird) and anything that would normally build against Firefox, such as Kazehakase, Epiphany or Galeon. For those of you wishing to test out Firefox 3.0, I have prepared a repository with a Firefox 3.0 beta 4 port, along with xulrunner. As you can probably guess, you now need xulrunner to build Firefox. However, the glory of this setup is that Firefox builds very fast now, where as xulrunner takes the place Firefox held, taking awhile to build. However, with any luck, updates to the underlying engine will be relatively uncommon, where as fixes for Firefox itself will be more common. The repository to available here: http://www.dcaf-security.org/firefox3-ports/ The repository can be synced via httpup with the attached httpup file. -- ~predatorfreak GnuPG Public key: http://pred.dcaf-security.org/dcafsec-pub-gpgkey.asc