Greetings, all. Is anyone successfully running Oracle 9iR2 (between and on a CRUX 2.1 system? I'd like to set up a test machine for work running CRUX rather than Red Hat Enterprise. The application server and related software requires (at this time) Oracle Enterprise Edition 9.2.0.X, so while 10g might be easier to get running, it's not an option in this case. I'm willing to start working on compat libraries and the like to get this running, just wanted to know if anyone else already has before I spend a lot of time on it. There has been limited mention of oracle on CRUX in the past on this list but no concrete details. Also, as I understand it, the installation was only viable on pre-2.0 versions of CRUX at the time, which I'd like to change. Thanks, Matt -- Matt Housh (jaeger@freenode/#crux)