On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 07:17:35 -0500 William Lewis wrote:
When Firefox 3.0 is released, xulrunner will become the Firefox backend, alleviating problems like this once and for all, as programs will build against xulrunner, not Firefox.
One of us is looking at outdated information. According to Ben Smedberg, the XULRunner maintainer, Firefox will not ship with a system-wide XULRunner. http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/blog/2007-05-15/xulrunner-what-we-are-doing/ I'm actually not convinced we save much by disabling shared libraries. (Although I certainly appreciate the effort. I've done several by-hand builds of the Mozilla codebase, and it's not a simple thing by any means.)
We're both right. Their official builds will stay much the same, all the underlying groundwork for xulrunner is already present in Firefox 3.0 beta* and will be present in the official release. The CRUX packages will work with xulrunner as the backend, unlike upstream Mozilla. This is how my current firefox 3 repo works and how I intend to push it to opt when Firefox 3.0 is finalised.
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