Wawrzyniec NiewodniczaĆski wrote:
I asked about the link on sourceforge IRC and below responses I got:
<niewod> I wonder if it possible to have a generic download patch for project hosted on SF in the form: <niewod> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/projects/$name/$version/$name$version.tar.g...
<evaluate> niewod, if you mean download path, it should normally look like: http://sourceforge.net/projects/PROJECTNAME/files/FILENAME.tar.gz/download
<niewod> Thanks - I'll test it
<evaluate> niewod, sure.
<niewod> evaluate, The suggested link works (at least for my initial test), howerver I needed to drop /download from the end. Otherwise I have file called 'download' rather then i.e. 'expect5.45.tar.gz' (I'm creating ports (packages) for CRUX Linux)
<evaluate> niewod, not sure if SF has direct download links, as they are working with multiple mirrors to distribute the load, ctsai-sf might have more info on this though... <evaluate> niewod, btw, there's also http://downloads.sourceforge.net/PROJECTNAME/FILENAME.tar.gz , maybe that'll work for you...
<niewod> The first link works, so I'll give it more extensive try
<ctsai-sf> niewod: we do allow downloads via script or cli. The link evaluate provided is the recommended link format for this, you do want to make sure that download function can follow 302 redirects and that it does not provide a browser-like User-Agent (otherwise, we'll serve up an html page). <ctsai-sf> And by "the link", I mean the first one. <ctsai-sf> And, as you suggest dropping the /download usually works, though I'm not certain that it's "officially" supported.
<niewod> ctsai-sf, thanks for explenation
Cheers, Wawrzek
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/PROJECTNAME/FILENAME.tar.gz Works fine except for a few ports like boost-jam where sourceforge broke the url that I had to update. http://crux.nu/gitweb/?p=ports/contrib.git;a=commitdiff;h=eec37626809b0d10bf... As downloads.sourceforge.net/PROJECTNAME/FILENAME/VERSIONBRANCH/FILENAME.tar.gz Regards, Danny