Hello everybody

It seems than maintainer of crux port of mate project did some useful changes in crux-mate port, and problems that I mentioned in my previous mail are fixed.
But the port still cannot be compiled.

The package mate-settings-daemon breaks build process.
Here is more detailed description of build failure:

I got this error:
/usr/include/nss/seccomon.h:51:21: fatal error: prtypes.h: No such file or directory

Well, I have nss package installed, but there is no prtypes.h file in the /usr/include/nss folder.
The file prtypes.h is part of nspr package, which is installed, also.

How to change build so that it can be able to find prtypes.h file?

Where/How to add include path to prtypes.h (the path is /usr/include/nspr) in the Pkgfile.

PP: I will post the problem as an issue on crux-mate project.