Thursday, February 28, 2019 8:33 AM +03:00 from Andy Kosela <>:
I would like to invite CRUX community to test my crux-install[1]
program. It is an interactive script for installing CRUX, text based
and inspired by OpenBSD install, which IMHO is the best O/S installer
in the entire industry.

The traditional manual installation of CRUX is fun, but it would be nice
to have an alternative method for a quick install.

To test it:

  (1) Boot from ISO
  (2) Initialize the network
      # dhcpcd
  (3) Download install script
      # wget --no-ch
  (4) Run it
      # sh install

The install program will ask you several questions. The default answers
(in []) are sane and designed to install a base CRUX system with a
minimum of your intervention.

At its current state the install program understands only MBR partitions
and it is very possible there are some rough edges, so don't use it on
your production systems yet.

And of course please report any bugs.


CRUX mailing list

Thank you for sharing, I just added a note to a draft wiki page I'm writing. Can I "import" it / copy to documentation ? 


I also don't put a license (GPL) in my scripts, I have scripts improvements to commit on develop, maybe I should also add license ?

Again, thank you ;)
silvino silva