That link is for KDE3, which is not usable right now (but someday will, thanks to the Trinity project). The link for KDE4 is: All you have to do is: wget -O /etc/ports/kde4.rsync '' ports -u kde4 less /usr/ports/kde4/README Then follow the instructions there. Best regards, Alan
Hi Stefan,
I am on KDE.
I am using Alan Mizrahi's port 'kde4' he is maintaining for CRUX.
He keeps the port up-to-date and has meta-packages available for easier installation. During rebuilding or upgrading I often switch to openbox just so that I can continue to work ;-).
Regard, Shin
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 4, 2012, at 15:34, Stefan Stefanov <> wrote:
What desktop environment do you use? Does anybody use something different then openbox?
I tried to compile mate from, but there was so many complite errors. I fixed several of them but now I stuck on libuniquie package, which hardly refuse to complite, because all warnings are treated as errors.
I accept any advices about DE on CRUX.
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