Dear all, I have just had occasion to install the Statisitical Package "R", and was actually a bit disturbed to find that the License file had been removed. Together with some others of the files provided by the Package Authors to assist the user. Including of all things the names of the Authors. I do not believe that we have a duty to maintain this particular manifestation of the KISS principle. I regard it as vandalism on our part, and in the matter of the licence probably putting ourselves in breach of it. Whereas there may be a good reason to minimise the documentation provided with some utiities ( even though I disagree with that), when it comes to serious work type projects I think that policy should be given a serious rethink for every package, and in general, for the whole distro, It is crippling it. AND it is a lot of extra work to have to fix each Pkgfile to get the product in the form its authors intended. I have said this before, and will probably say it again. I just hope someone is listening. Clare Johnstone, Western Australia.