On 6/4/07, Johannes Winkelmann <jw@smts.ch> wrote:
Well, if you start doing that you're not running a real CRUX system anymore, and I'm very positive that this will turn into a major headache as time goes by. Of course, it's your decision to do that and I won't try to talk you out of it, however I count on you to NOT post problems resulting from this on this list, for obvious reasons.
That said, there's an easy way to make prt-get ignore dependencies, and it's documented in prt-get's help, the man page, and the user manual.
i know and what if you want to ignore the real package and download dependencies ? it is very difficult to distuingish whether the proble is with CRUX or with the software itself. e.g. in some other post i have described the X Terminal problem that i have on CRUX but i do not have it in Fedora, BLAG, Debian, Gentoo and Arch. i am not sure thatis the probelm with software. i have no intentions for flaming and i see this list is more of CRUX-deve type of list. anyway thanks for the help you have provided with decent advices :-) time to unsubscribe from CRUX mailing list :-( -- http://arnuld.blogspot.com/