Very annoying! It may be related to similar random behaviour in whether eth0 is the wireless or ethernet connection. (and random behaviour of console fullscreen or not at bootup.) Sometimes it seems to be affected by use of Windows between bootups, but not really consistently. Hope someone has an answer. clare
There is a way to do this using udev. I know you can specify a name for each nic and I'm sure you can do the same thing for mixers. Sorry I don't have more detail but I looked into it (net adapter consistent naming) months ago and I know it can be done. try: udevinfo -a -p /sys/class/sound/mixer/ and udevinfo -a -p /sys/class/sound/mixer1/ to see what they're currently setup in and then use your own udev rules to name them how you want. A couple of links for you: Hope this helps. Joe