Hi everyone, Since Tilman has stepped down propose that my updated xorg ports collection be merged into official xorg The following was posted to crux-devel mailing list but I am posting this here to get more review. I have a fork of xorg[1] for the last few months and some of you are already using it. I'd like to push these changes[2] to official xorg. I also wouldn't mind maintaining xorg but I would like help with that as I am a busy personal and I do have a ton of ports as it is now, but xorg is pretty low maintenance. 1. http://romster.dyndns.org/linux/ports/crux/version-updates/xorg/ http://romster.dyndns.org/linux/ports/crux/version-updates/version-updates_x... 2. http://pastebin.com/jRZfe9EH Regards, Danny Rawlins Romster @ freenode