I agree with the idea of making the "no-systemd" stance more visible. Having seen accounts from a couple of people who went to BSD based on systemd and like changes, this seems to be a selling point that might draw notice. Dominic Jones jonesd@xmission.com On Fri, 24 Jul 2015 19:28:44 +1000 James Mills <prologic@shortcircuit.net.au> wrote:
Hi All,
TL;DR: We should continue to hold strong to the UNIX Philosophy and all that it embodies.
Apologies in advance if this is a controversial topic for some :P
Basically I believe we (CRUX) are likely one of the only distributions left that support and use the Linux kernel (aside from Gentoo and a few other well known distros) that still continue to provide the best UNIX/Linux computing environment. (In our case BSD-ish).
Going forward I'd like to write up a wiki page and/or update the frontpage of our website a bit to reflect this as it's becoming apparent to me that this is becoming a clear stand-out feature of CRUC of late (because of what things like systemd are doing to other distributions, etc).
Do we have a documented list of things that make up the CRUX Philosophy or "Zen of CRUX"? If not we should :) It *could* include some of the things from the UNIX Philosophy itself perhaps.
Let's keep CRUX a strong, simple, portable small system with the best of tools and software available in the Open Source communities.
cheers James
James Mills / prologic
E: prologic@shortcircuit.net.au W: prologic.shortcircuit.net.au