A new version of CruxEX is ready.
CruxEX 3.4 64 bit Linux
Live USB is based on CRUX 3.4 (latest version, released
180512). CruxEX 3.4 2018 uses the LXDE
Desktop environment. I have replaced the original CRUX kernel
4.14.20 with “my” special kernel 4.18.7-exton,
with support for “extra everything”.
NEWS 180912
CruxEX 2018 is distributed only as a Zip file. Install my
new version of CruxEX 3.4 64bit from 180912 to a USB Pen Drive and
run the system superfast from RAM – read this INSTRUCTION.
If you later on decide you want to install CruxEX to hard drive
from the USB Pen Drive all your system changes will also be
installed to the hard drive. NOTE: Unfortunately
persistence can’t be enabled anymore while running CruxEX from a
USB stick.
About CruxEX 3.4 version 180912
All packages have been upgraded to the latest available version
(with prt-get sysup). Furthermore: This version uses
kernel 4.18.7 released 180909! And of course
Google Chrome for Netflix!
CruxEX 3.4 2018 build 180912 is – as my previous CRUX-remasters –
unique in the world. I.e. there is no other CRUX Live CD/USB (as
far as I know). In any case, not for downloading. The good thing with CruxEX is that it
is a live system (which CRUX original isn’t) and that you
can run CruxEX super fast from RAM. Also that you can
install CruxEX to hard drive in about 5 min and then have a
ready-to-go CRUX desktop system. You can after that install
any (extra) desktop environment you like.
1. The
LXDE Desktop
Prt-get in action
CruxEX running from USB in VirtualBox
Spotify running in CruxEX
5. The USB
live boot screen
C A Exton / 180913
Exton Linux | Live Systems