On 5/8/07, Ryan King <rdking77@gmail.com> wrote:
I would like to add my two sense as well. I have used linux for a breif period, ~2 years,
you got more experience than myself.
and have gone from redhat to ubuntu to debian and slackware and arch. I know a fair amount, and how to update all the scripts for my hardware, load/restrict modules, compile kernels etc. I agree that much of this is lost on the bigger dist. that aim for out of the box user experience.
again here, much betetr than me.
My personal decision to give crux a try was to dig deeper, learn to understand the underbelly and interconnections of everything, and the way it all really works. To dive in and sink or swim by being forced to learn, expand my knowledge.
EXACTLY my reasoon, you stole my personal property (my decision) ;-)
I will agree that reposts, and stupid questions that come from inexperienced users who aren't willing to google search, read previous threads from boards etc is annoying.....
simply say: "arnuld is stupid and inexperienced GNU OS user". or "arnuld's is not efficient at solving problems. the persons who are not effective and efficient at solving their problems should not try CRUX" that looks much better :-)
But, any statement that should be added should be done with care. Anything sounding crass, rude, or eliteous is self defeating and can backfire (as some distros have learned, and been labeled negativily for it).
I would rather a simple statement saying be added saying:
"Crux does not automatically configure any scripts for the user, partioning, X11, udev, networking, modules, kernel etc. are left for the user to properly configure.
i don't think so because when i install CRUX it creates "networking script" automatically in "/etc/rc.d/net". i do NOT have create that script myself. it is there. even i see ready-made "/etc/fstab" there.
short to the point and said in such a manner, such that people like me, who came to an independant distro to learn and continue having fun are not put off. In addition, a simple stick post, or a page/link simply explaining where to find the applicable scripts the new user may face, their layout and common problems, in an easily found place can solve many repeat threads and questions.
YES, this is 1st 2nd thing CRUX needs. it definitely needs to be there. make it a FAQ and 1st thing is to *define* who exactly can use CRUX. simply saying "for experiencd user" doesn ot tell much. may be "CRUX community" needs an article *in* its FAQ, like "Path to CRUX", "how a CRUX-ian thinks" or "Why you should use CRUX" OOPS, that "CRUXian" is my accidental-invention ;-) -- http://arnuld.blogspot.com/