13 May
13 May
8:43 p.m.
El Dom 13 May 2007, Johannes Winkelmann escribió:
On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 21:45:19 +0200, Johannes Winkelmann wrote: [...]
Long answer: for p in `prt-get quickdep xfce4`; do \ d=$(prt-get dependent $p); \ if [ -z "$d" ]; then echo $p; fi ; done
Of course, there's no need to use the temporary: for p in `prt-get quickdep xfce4`; do \ if [ -z "$(prt-get dependent $p)" ]; then echo $p; fi ; done
That wouldn't work, because "prt-get dependent $p" will always have at least "xfce4" in its list of dependent packages ;) Maybe this: for p in `prt-get quickdep xfce4`; do \ if [ xfce4 == "$(prt-get dependent $p)" ]; then echo $p; fi ; done Or perhaps he should first remove xfce4 and THEN run your command. Regards, Alan