On 24.07.2015 09:10, Fredrik Rinnestam wrote:
On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:47:36AM +0000, Bernd Eggink wrote:
Hi, yesterday something weird happend: While browsing with Firefox (39.0) as a normal user, Firefox suddenly crashed, and after this the directory /usr/share was gone - completely vanished into thin air. Fortunately I had a backup, but the incident scared me a little. Has anybody ever experienced something like this? As all my filesystems are btrfs, I wonder if btrfs can be considered stable enough, or would ext4 be a safer choice?
Ouch, that sounds scary. Are you sure firefox caused the crash? Perhaps firefox crashed just because /usr/share suddenly vanished?
Yes, the latter, I think. Still have no clue what happend, couldn't find anything peculiar in the log file. Anyway, the incident strengthend my determination to make backups _really every_ day (sigh...). Bernd