Hi hacks1337, here is in more simple words my problem. When I call a terminal (i.e., with CTRL+ALT+F2, and login as root or as user) my keyboard runs as a perfect italian (i.e, it is very regular...), but when I'm inside plasma-desktop and I call a virtual terminal (i.e., konsole) my keyboard runs as a perfect american (i.e, no more àèìòù). This is my problem. I think it happens because I should install from KF5 repository the package kde-l10n (as I do in Gentoo and ArchLinux), but this package is not present there up.
Anyhow, thanks for your kindness.
In /usr/ports/kf5/ki18n the Pkgfile removes everything in /use/share/locale. Which is probably why you are having problems. Several Pkgfiles in that ports collection do the same thing. There is a lot of that in the ports tree so I would guess that what you are trying to do is not possible on crux without massively altering the ports tree and rebuilding everything. There are no USE flags on crux and I am not currently aware of anything like rebuild world. To quote, CRUX is "Slim, stripped of unneeded documentation and files (including National Language Support; CRUX only supports the native language the programs were written in, which is english in most cases)" PS sorry bout the PM and top post, having mailer issues, Chris