Oh, terrible.. Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <20190409001332.D9hEc%steffen@sdaoden.eu>: |Well, i just can't seem to get firefox going. It claims "profile |file is missing or inaccessible" but of course this is a virgin |system. With lynx i could duckduckgo, but mozilla says remove the |file, yet there is no such thing. | |Can anyone shed some light on this issue, please? I mean, i can start it with root and with my one user, but not with a different user meant only for browsing, for which this dialogbox shows up and that was basically it. There is no difference regarding groups (both are in users, and in video, and in audio) related to this (the first one is in more to access exported folders etc, but that should not matter). I straced it, but not much shows up. Btw. my personal account cannot open DRM. GOT IT! Different to my home directory "browse" and "web" do not use setfacl/getfacl to fine-tune access to $HOME and thereunder, but instead have a mode of 2750 -- and firefox does not get that right!! Hey, Mozilla does not like that Rust-y Unix attributes, haha-haaa!! Unbelievable, with such a large community/user base. Good night. And sorry for all the noise. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)