On Tue, 29 Mar 2016 01:58:22 +0100 rain1@openmailbox.org wrote:
Nice to use signify and sha256, good strong primitives. A shame to have to manage a fork of signify, I wonder if the openbsd project would accept the changes to allow that program to become portable to both openbsd and linux?
Minisign (https://jedisct1.github.io/minisign/) is compatible with signify, but it depends on libsodium and cmake. Syntax and usage is pretty much the same, afaict. " Compatibility with OpenBSD signify Signature written by minisign can be verified using OpenBSD's signify tool: public key files and signature files are compatible. However, minisign uses a slightly different format to store secret keys. Minisign signatures include trusted comments in addition to untrusted comments. Trusted comments are signed, thus verified, before being displayed. This adds two lines to the signature files, that signify silently ignores. " Pedja