On Jan 30, 2008 8:20 AM, Jeremy Heiler <jeremyheiler@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all, Hey there.
Xubuntu installs just fine and I'll attach the config file it generated so thagonzo can compare it to his. Are the versions of the kernel the same that CRUX and the version of xubuntu the same?
I still consider myself a novice to Linux (especially to kernel configuration) so any tips would be helpful :) I hope you dont take this offensivly, but CRUX isnt designed for novices. It's created for powerusers that like to get there hands dirty and really dig deep and attempt to figure stuff out on their own. Also you are asking about your personal machine; where none of us will know what your setup will be. Also .configs are huge, i can tell you NONE of us will read that.
Sorry again, i dont mean to be harsh, but you should probably try to build a custom kernel on xubuntu and compare and play there before moving to a source based distro like CRUX. -J -- Best Regards, Jonathan Asghar phone: 512.619.0722