On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 11:23:46 +0100 Cédric Macquat <banlieue48@mykolab.com> wrote:
I wanted to build Gimp, but I had a problem with json-glib:
-------------------------- prt-cache: installing /usr/ports/opt/json-glib =======> Building '/usr/ports/opt/json-glib/json-glib#1.4.2-1.pkg.tar.gz'. bsdtar -p -o -C /usr/ports/opt/json-glib/work/src -xf /usr/ports/opt/json-glib/json-glib-1.4.2.tar.xz + build + cd json-glib-1.4.2 + ./configure --prefix=/usr ERROR: Command 'mesontest' not found =======> ERROR: Building '/usr/ports/opt/json-glib/json-glib#1.4.2-1.pkg.tar.gz' failed. prt-cache: error while install
-- Packages where install failed json-glib ----------------------------
At the moment I test prt-cache, that's the reason why there is no prt-get commands.
I did some researches and it seems mesontest is outdated. I have taken the last version of json-glib but the problem persists. After looking at the same package in other distribution, I was able to build thhis package with:
---------------------------------------- # Description: serialization and deserialization of JSON objects # URL: https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Projects/JsonGlib # Maintainer: Thomas Penteker, tek at serverop dot de # Depends on: glib
name=json-glib version=1.4.4 release=1 source=(https://download.gnome.org/sources/$name/${version%.*}/${name}-${version}.tar.xz)
build() { cd $name-$version
meson --prefix /usr build ninja -C build
DESTDIR="$PKG" meson install -C build rm -r $PKG/usr/share/locale rm -r $PKG/usr/{libexec,share}/installed-tests } -----------------------------------------
I could have report a bug, but I'm not so experienced. So perhaps the problem is on my side. Does need the port to be updated or I missed something ? _______________________________________________
I have attached the patch I am using to build json-glib. My apologies for not submitting a bug report, haven't had time. Since this is an official port, if you patch it in your local port tree, you will have to ignore the signature with the pkgmk '-is' commandline option. For adding that to prt-get invocations, use something like: prt-get depinst --margs="-is" json-glib -John