Hi! Welcome to CRUX where you can pretty much roll your own!

RE missing icons I believe there are several or more *icon* ports/packages
lying around inv arious ports repos. Check the CRUX portdb and the contrib repo.

Please also note that whilst we maintain ports for a lot of things many of which are
used by us (core developers, maintainers and just regular users) we often don't
care too much about the overall aesthetics more just making the software work :)

I used to use XFCE myself for a number of years and since my new desktop I've
decided on Compiz + parts of LXDE for something new. So far so good!

Good luck!


James Mills / prologic

E: prologic@shortcircuit.net.au
W: prologic.shortcircuit.net.au

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 8:44 AM, <jideel@free.fr> wrote:

I'm a new CRUX user, and first, i would like to thank you for making this distribution.
I used Slackware, Gentoo and Arch in the past, but was disappointed by the direction chosen by Arch, and the current over-complexification of most Linux distributions.
So it's pleasure to find (again) a simple but modern distribution. I didn't even know Arch was CRUX-based...
I've encountered no issues while using CRUX on the server side, but on the desktop side, i tried to use XFCE 4.10 from ports (http://crux.nu/portdb/?a=repo&q=xfce, depinst), and while it works, it doesn't look that good.
For instance a lot of icons are missing.
Here's what i have :http://imgur.com/zsHEEgX
And what i would like : http://imgur.com/ulhWqar
Can someone point me to the missing package ?
Do you know how to make XFCE looks like the second screenshot (dark panel on top and transparent panel on bottom) ?
Thank you,
Best regards.
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