solved: it is not enough to enable xfce ports by creating the .rsync file manually but after that I had to modify the /etc/prt-get.conf to include the new xfce ports directory - I skipped that part.

2015-01-18 8:24 GMT-02:00 Cezar Rangel <>:
no. when I created the file I typed correctly. no "cfce" like the example. the /usr/ports/xfce is there and complete.

2015-01-18 2:46 GMT-02:00 James Trimbee <>:

There is a typo in there; I'm not sure whether that is just your example or if you actually wrote the file that way.

On Jan 17, 2015 10:51 PM, "Cezar Rangel" <> wrote:

I have enabled XFCE ports, and created the .rsync file manually
#cat > /etc/ports/cfce.rsync << EOF

however, when I run #prt-get depinst -if xfce4  the result is "package has not been found" I have run #ports -u and #prt-get sysup before...

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