Hi Tom,

glad I could help!


On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Tom Rindborg <Tom.Rindborg@fatburen.org> wrote:
Hi Shin,

On Sun, 10 Oct 2010, Shin Sterneck wrote:

> this is related to a known bug for emacs 23.1 and gcc version higher
> than 4.2.2 (reference is appended below)
> The ./configure script apparently converts mutli-lined variables escaped
> with "\" to real new lines instead of taking them over as one variable,
> thus braking the make file and resulting in make to throw an exception
> due to the fact that it expects a target and not some variable content
> (which it thinks are commands).
> You have two solutions to this:
> 1. append "CPPFLAGS=-P" to the configure script or set it as environment
> variable, instructing ./configure to handle "\" for new lines as-is and
> not converting them.
> 2. use emacs version 23.2, the initial patch reported to this problem
> was implemented upstream.
> Emacs 23.2 is out since may this year and I was able to confirm that it
> builds correctly. You may want to use this version. Anyhow the
> pre-processor flag -P also works (man cpp), which would mean that you
> can build it without adjusting the Pkgfile.
> Hope this helped.

Absolutely! Fascinating how you learn something new everyday, I wasn't
aware of the -P cpp option, but it certainly helped.

Unless I absolutely need something from the bleeding edge versions of
software I tend to stay with what's in the distro repository, so I'll
stay with 23.1 for now.

Thanks a lot for saving me a couple of hours of boring debugging! :-)
Hälsningar/Best regards, Tom
Tom Rindborg                            Phone: +46-8-599 984 40
Stockholm, Sweden                       MailTo:Tom.Rindborg@fatburen.org
                "If you have to hate, hate gently."