Hello, Goal: Boot crux OS from device by root=LABEL=ROOT Info can be found: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-boot-rootfs/ and https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Persistent_block_device_naming Problem: Even when following the steps above, and others, my system still fails to boot using LABEL. General Question: Does anybody have any experience doing this or ideas/suggestions to help me do this? Specific Question: I am wondering if the problem is this: I am using BT4 as my "rescue" OS, in other words I am booting off a USB to edit partitions/fstab/labels etc. In BT4 I can use commands such as ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/ BUT, when in Crux, I cannot. There is no /dev/disk/by-* anything... So I am wondering if that is why I am choking during boot. If somebody thinks this may be valid, please let me know, and further, if someone knows how to enable Crux to support this feature, please let me know. THANK YOU in advance, -clc