Re: Problem building Firefox 35.0
Message: 1 Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 11:18:59 -0500 From: Jared Hamilton <> Subject: Re: Problem building Firefox 35.0: build freezes To: Message-ID: Did you find out what caused the issue? I'm building it at the moment, froze for around fifteen minutes, just started going again.
-- Jared Hamilton "In Unix country, on a quiet night, you can hear Windows rebooting."
Yesterday, I ran it again. During the freeze, I ran top and found that ld was working overtime. Free showed that there was very little available memory (I have 2GB of core). All this is compatible with xulrunner being linked. The build eventually finished successfully, but I wasn't actually there when it ended. Today I ran pkgmk -f and logged the result. As I suspected, the build is much less verbose than it used to be and you can no longer see the linking of xulrunner to its various dependencies. It used to pause on that, so you could at least see *why* it had stopped. Now it just stops and you can't see why. Not an improvement in my opinion! H Russman
This was recently discussed in IRC and it seemed that the general consensus (as I remember it) was that you need 4 - 8Gb minimum to build Firefox from source. If that's true, you're swapping like crazy (if you have swap! Imagine what it's doing if you don't!)
I've been building it on my aging Toshiba L300 for a while, that's 2GB with a 2GB swap. Takes an age, but it builds. The linker is the evil part.
participants (3)
Bryan Bennett
James Trimbee