from last 2 days i am trying to download "x11-fonts-corefonts" from "opt" ports but download hangs/freezez at this place: connecting to | |:80... i can download everything else but not these corefonts. any problem with download-site ? --
Am Sonntag, 3. Juni 2007 19:21:50 schrieb arnuld:
from last 2 days i am trying to download "x11-fonts-corefonts" from "opt" ports but download hangs/freezez at this place:
connecting to | |:80...
i can download everything else but not these corefonts. any problem with download-site ?
Hi Arnuld I think its time that you solve your problems, particularly if they are so simple. Read the Output! And Google is your friend. Just search for cabextract-1.1.tar.gz and after a few seconds you will find what you need. Is that so difficult? Than please read some linux documentation so that you can help yourself next time. -- Hannes Mayer ecarux Computer-Service Cuxhavener Straße 266 21149 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 98235882 mail: Homepage: Steuernummer: 06/276/18018
On 6/3/07, Hannes Mayer <> wrote:
Hi Arnuld
I think its time that you solve your problems, particularly if they are so simple. Read the Output!
you did not get my point but may be i was not clear.
And Google is your friend. Just search for cabextract-1.1.tar.gz and after a few seconds you will find what you need. Is that so difficult? Than please read some linux documentation so that you can help yourself next time.
i give an example. last time prt-get was not downloading "Ekiga, OPAL and PWlib". prt-get was able to download all GNOME dependencies of Ekiga. original web-site had some problems so i used CVS to download Ekiag, PWlib and OPAL and installed them on my machine using "./configure -- make -- make install" . now prt-get , after downloading all those 17 dependencies, was still trying to download Opal, PWlib and Ekiga :-( . it is very time-consuming to install 17 dependencies one by one manually but prt-get did not try to find already installed Ekiga. so if "x depends on y and z" and i want x but y could not be downloaded and i install them manually by grabbing CVS/source but still i can not got "x" because prt-get will always try to download "y" and "z" 1st as dependencies, even though i have installed them manually. this is the problem i have. any solution ? --
Am Sonntag, 3. Juni 2007 20:00:34 schrieb arnuld:
On 6/3/07, Hannes Mayer <> wrote:
Hi Arnuld
I think its time that you solve your problems, particularly if they are so simple. Read the Output!
you did not get my point but may be i was not clear.
And Google is your friend. Just search for cabextract-1.1.tar.gz and after a few seconds you will find what you need. Is that so difficult? Than please read some linux documentation so that you can help yourself next time.
i give an example. last time prt-get was not downloading "Ekiga, OPAL and PWlib". prt-get was able to download all GNOME dependencies of Ekiga. original web-site had some problems so i used CVS to download Ekiag, PWlib and OPAL and installed them on my machine using "./configure -- make -- make install" . now prt-get , after downloading all those 17 dependencies, was still trying to download Opal, PWlib and Ekiga :-( . it is very time-consuming to install 17 dependencies one by one manually but prt-get did not try to find already installed Ekiga.
Like every other package manager, prt-get has a database. No package manager looks in your directory directly.
so if "x depends on y and z" and i want x but y could not be downloaded and i install them manually by grabbing CVS/source but still i can not got "x" because prt-get will always try to download "y" and "z" 1st as dependencies, even though i have installed them manually.
this is the problem i have. any solution ? If you install the apps by hand you will avoid your package manager and it couldn't work well anymore.
But if a source package isn't avaible at the moment or you downloaded it by hand, thats no problem. Just download the files in your ports directoty directly or edit the Source location in the Pkgfile and prt-get will do this for you. regards Hannes -- Hannes Mayer ecarux Computer-Service Cuxhavener Straße 266 21149 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 98235882 mail: Homepage: Steuernummer: 06/276/18018
so if "x depends on y and z" and i want x but y could not be downloaded and i install them manually by grabbing CVS/source but still i can not got "x" because prt-get will always try to download "y" and "z" 1st as dependencies, even though i have installed them manually. Well, if you start doing that you're not running a real CRUX system anymore, and I'm very positive that this will turn into a major headache as time goes by. Of course, it's your decision to do that and I won't
On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 18:00:34 +0000, arnuld wrote: [...] try to talk you out of it, however I count on you to NOT post problems resulting from this on this list, for obvious reasons. That said, there's an easy way to make prt-get ignore dependencies, and it's documented in prt-get's help, the man page, and the user manual. HAND, Johannes -- Johannes Winkelmann Zurich, Switzerland
On 6/4/07, Johannes Winkelmann <> wrote:
Well, if you start doing that you're not running a real CRUX system anymore, and I'm very positive that this will turn into a major headache as time goes by. Of course, it's your decision to do that and I won't try to talk you out of it, however I count on you to NOT post problems resulting from this on this list, for obvious reasons.
That said, there's an easy way to make prt-get ignore dependencies, and it's documented in prt-get's help, the man page, and the user manual.
i know and what if you want to ignore the real package and download dependencies ? it is very difficult to distuingish whether the proble is with CRUX or with the software itself. e.g. in some other post i have described the X Terminal problem that i have on CRUX but i do not have it in Fedora, BLAG, Debian, Gentoo and Arch. i am not sure thatis the probelm with software. i have no intentions for flaming and i see this list is more of CRUX-deve type of list. anyway thanks for the help you have provided with decent advices :-) time to unsubscribe from CRUX mailing list :-( --
On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 12:54:58 +0530 arnuld <> wrote:
it is very difficult to distuingish whether the proble is with CRUX or with the software itself.
One of CRUX's policies is to provide what the upstream developer provides, by not patching the hell out every release. So it's very rare these "bugs" are ever CRUX specific. However, the most common errors are PEBKAC related. -- Lucas Hazel <> ================================================= "Clothes make the man. Naked men are rarely taken seriously, or given employment." =================================================
However, the most common errors are PEBKAC related
Here here. Now arnuld, if you're still on the list. Understand this, the questions you've asked recently are all NOT crux specific. IPv6 you could have solved yourself. If you've compiled a kernel as often as you've installed crux (see your earlier posts) then you MUST have come across the IPv6 option in the kernel config tool (you should be using menuconfig not just config) at some time. X terminal problem. ogg123 has a -q, --quiet option, that stops messages being displayed, did it occur to you that all those other distributions that you keep comparing crux to might enable this option by default? Not really a terminal problem but a feature of ogg123. Now I don't use ogg123 but google supplied me with this answer in less time that it will take you to read it. "opt" ports problem. Hmm, think about it, this isn't an opt problem, but a downloading of source problem. You then went on to say how you tried to solve it and then complained about problems with prt-get. You seem to have a fundamental lack of understanding about how the ports system works in crux and any package system for that matter. The package system keeps a record of each package that is installed and all the files that are contained within that package. If a dependency is not met, EVEN IF YOU INSTALLED THE FILES MANUALLY, then the package manager will try to install them IF YOU TELL IT TO. CRUX doesn't have dependency checking unless you ask prt-get to use it. Now for my last tip. You seem to be running lots of distributions as evidenced by your references to them. If they do things so much better then why not just choose one and stick to it for a while. They can all do the same thing, that is run linux. If you stick to one, and really learn all the quirks of package management and configuration then trying different distros will be a LOT easier. Trying to learn all the different package management systems and configuration methods at once is like trying to learn 10 languages at once. I recommend you try one of the distros with a very large user community so there will be lots of online docs and lists to search through, that way there will most likely be someone who has had the same problem you've had. Cheers, Joe
participants (5)
Hannes Mayer
Joe Gilmour
Johannes Winkelmann
Lucas Hazel